An open letter from a mother asking who to blame if her child is overweight.

It is a shame! Today 1 out of every 6 is an obese kid trying to conceal few extra pounds on the body. WHY? Considering that there can be multiple factors causing the same I would like to share how adversely do people who think ‘being fat is a sin’ affect my child’s mental well-being?

My daughter is 8, at such a tender age children tend and ought to be lively, and so was she. Having an affinity to befriend at ease, she has got a huge group of friends. Last week she got promoted to standard 1. She was visibly excited to meet new teachers and forge some new friendships. With her brand new dress, favorite dish packed for the meal box, spick and span hair-do, and ‘I am going to rock it Mom’-kinda smile she left for her first day. I took a half day from office to receive her and hear her narrate all episodes of the day.

The school bus arrived, as she entered, she went straight to the room and started crying, before I could absorb what happened she said I don’t want to go to school again mom! They called me fat, they said I wasn’t one of them. I told them I have a lot of friends… but they laughed and said they must be as fat as you are.

I asked her why didn’t you tell your teacher?

She said she was in front of us mom, she didn’t say anything to them. I sat alone since morning, no one talked to me… Mom I want to be like them, only then I will go to school. I served lunch and prepared her to sleep.

I am neither oblivious to the fact that she might become an obese adult nor to the fact that she deserves to live her childhood freely, without any insecurities! I don’t blame the kids but I do blame those who in front of their kids have been constantly cracking jokes and criticizing children on the basis of their body shape.

Weight-related criticism makes children judge their bodies harshly, they turn out to be less satisfied and easily embarrassed. My chirpy little girl has changed! She doesn’t enjoy eating food and no more does morning prayers with her pink accessories, in front of the mirror. Her social anxiety has increased, she stays conscious and usually spends her time alone.

What do you want of an eight-year-old?

You never know when gentle mocking becomes a hurtful expression and affects children mentally and emotionally. The consequences can be disastrous. They are the potential victims of bullying, tend to become timid in nature, get low on confidence, and prefer being aloof most of the times.

There can be multiple causes of childhood obesity. Sometimes it is genetic, sometimes due to inactiveness and at times due to hormonal problems. It could be anything, I and my husband aren’t overweight but our daughter is, so……. who should I blame?

Science? Food? or Family?

I request, do not encourage body size perceptions! Instead of criticizing, take some time out to sensitize your kids towards their fellow mates. Size-bias is just a social construct. Let’s not make overweight people feel like an outcast.


A mother who thinks her daughter is very normal!
