Have you been worrying about your child’s health?

‘A bowl of noodles’ over the home cooked vegetables or a ‘packet of chips’ over the ‘yellow dal’, the cliched story of each household. Children have a tendency to devour the colourful packets of chips, burgers, pizzas or anything junk within their reach.

Have you been lately worrying about their health?

As a mother, you might face a lot of perplexities when it comes to feeding your child with the right amount of nutrition. Amidst a plethora of processed foods and recipes, there are some extraordinary foods that can be a game changer.

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Eggs are an excellent source of vitamin D and unlike common belief, they do not boost cholesterol unless over-consumed. Eggs help in making the hair and nails of a child healthy. It is also important for a child’s brain since it decreases the risk of nerve damages. Eggs help in fighting childhood obesity and the antioxidants in it ensure the health of the retina.

Ways to cook- Boiled eggs, omelette, scrambled egg, egg sandwich, fried eggs, egg curry or a french toast.

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If you feel ghee might put some kilos on your child in the long run then you are wrong! Ghee contains fatty acids which protect against plaque, cancer and diabetes. It promotes immunity and also helps in the development of kid’s facial features and teeth. Indeed, Ghee is a healthy fat that helps in reducing weight and has anti-viral properties too!

Ways to cook- Ghee being a super super food can be cooked in a variety of ways. Be it a ‘ghee ka tadka’ or simply frying veggies in ghee, it works with all!

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A substantial source of vitamin E that enhances eye health. It has remarkable abilities to restore energy, increase vitality and improve the quality of the blood. Gives the child the perfect Popeye’s strength. Spinach can be a very healthy snack for the day!

Ways to cook- The evergreen ‘palak paneer’, spinach salad, raita, spinach pakoras, chutney, sarso ka saag, corn and spinach toasties, sandwiches or spinach soup.

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Nuts like cashews, almonds, pistachios etc. are a great source of proteins and fibres that help in the growth of a child. Including nuts in the diet reduces blood-sugar levels, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and overall pushes body functioning on the right track.

Ways to have- Having raw nuts daily, mixing them with food the child eats, adding nuts in the milk, in cakes, or in the form of halwa.

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An oatmeal is an easy to digest, fibre-rich product for kids. It supplies various minerals, vitamins and proteins thus is an essential part of a balanced diet for the kids. Oats are food for the immune system as the antioxidants boost the metabolism of the body.

Ways to cook- Oats in milk, oats upma, oats idli, dosas, oats khichdi and oats poha. Oats can be added in the our in a variety of ways.

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It is not only delectable but a great source of calcium for the kids. The probiotics in yogurt help in regulating the digestive system and prevents constipation. It also keeps the body cool and is a part of the protein-rich diet for kids.

Ways to have- Yogurt dips, Raita, Kadhi, Dahi kebabs, lassi, butter-milk etc.

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Bananas are an instant source of energy for the kids. Potassium present in banana fosters the blood circulation in the body thereby improving the brain function. This rich in iron fruit also prevents the child from anaemia by supplying the correct amount of manganese, iron, fibre, vitamin B6 and C.

Ways to have- Raw, banana shake, banana pie, banana chips, green bananas chutney and cooked (green)banana vegetable.

Eating the same kind of food everyday can be boring for kids, but super moms have their own styles of cooking food with a twist. Simply adding different flavours can break the monotony of the food and trick your child in having a balanced diet.

Well, It’s time you indulge your child in a healthy eating spree with these SUPERFOODS!

Does your child run away from studies? Here’s an economical solution to your problem! CG Slate- The Fun Learning Tablet, that makes studying more interesting.
