All that goes wrong in parenting

“There are times when I lose control over myself as my toddler trots behind me. The prolonged tittle-tattle and the jarring of his toys disrupt my daily chores every now and then. But I have learned to stay calm for the sake of his priceless smile. To pile on my frustrations on my little one is something I would never go for!”

Being a new parent and raising a young child is the hardest yet the most rewarding job of life. Parenting won’t ever come with a handbook or an instruction manual. With each day you will grow and the ways to deal will naturally come to you. Remember, none of us is infallible, we all make our share of mistakes, as a child, as a son, as a daughter, as a spouse and as a parent too.

Good parenting doesn’t mean being a perfect parent, it simply means keeping your child healthy and happy. It is crucial because the lessons taught to a toddler cannot be repaired in his/her adulthood. In the young age, children quickly absorb from their surroundings, all that they hear and watch. Here are a few things that might completely make you 'a bad parent' in the eyes of your child.

Do not YELL!

When you shout on your child, it leaves an everlasting mark on their mind(and not a good one for sure). It silences your message and leaves your child agitated. Be firm yet empathetic in your speech, this way the child tries to understand your words rather than your voice.

Say no to severe punishments

Aggressive behaviour of the parents might belittle the child’s innocence. Beating, spanking or slapping should be nowhere in the disciplinary list for your child. Change your child’s behaviour without punishment, as it teaches all the wrong lessons. Avoid publi shaming, bullying and humiliating your little one, what can be done at home shouldn’t be dragged out in the public.

Do not emotionally influence your child

Tricking your child into false talks to get your work done is simply selfish parenting. Never feign emotions as this disturbs their mental health. Choose your words carefully and be compassionate. Let your kids know that everyone makes mistakes and that you still love them, even when you don't love their behaviour.

Never be embarrassed by your child

Each child has his own pace of growing and learning. Where some kids have a rapid progress, some might be sluggish. You need to understand that each child is unique. If your friend’s baby started crawling by the age of 1, there is nothing to be ashamed of when your child doesn’t. Never force your child to do something because ‘you’ want him to! Give them their own sweet time to sprout.

Create extraordinary moments for your child, so when they look back in time they have memories to define their family. No parenting skills can work on your children if you do not try to internally connect with them. Your children count on you as only you can provide them with an interface to the world. They will learn all that ‘you’ want them to learn and be all that their little eyes see. The more love they get, the more they give in return.

So, don’t strive to be a perfect parent, just be a real one!

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