CG Learning Tales- Real Life Explanations


Children kept asking me how the tree in our garden grew. Literal explanations from the book seemed tedious to them; so I decided to trick them through an interactive story. Thanks to CG Slate and Popo-The Seed!


The story structured around a seed called POPO that had been personified as a human, full of doubts, emotions, and fear on being planted in the ground. The petite seed narrates its journey on being nurtured as a tree.

CG Slate learning tablet has concepts explained with ease and lucidity than the child unknowingly memorizes it. Real life applications empower their retention capacity and help them absorb the content quickly.



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Teaching Tip: Children learn best with real life explanations!


Now every tiny seed in the garden for them is POPO and they ecstatically wait for it to become a tree! :)


To know what’s inside CG Slate, download the Demo App from Play Store!
